Monday, February 22, 2010

Will you please donate $5 today?

Can you pitch in, today? I know we are all facing very tough times. It is hard to even think about supporting a campaign when so many are faced with lay-offs, rising costs and economic uncertainty. These circumstances are the very reasons we need to be vigilant in choosing our leaders...from the President and Congress all the way down to our local government. Economic development and conservative stewardship of tax-payers' dollars starts at our county and township governments. It is going to take local officials making information readily available to residents, an increased level of access and responsiveness, and the drive to bring ideas and solutions to the table, for us to make it to the other side of this downturn.

I want to be the Councilman that lets your concerns and ideas be heard. To do that, I am going to have to defeat two other candidates in May's Primary. Your $5 donation will pay for the signs, mailers and other neccesary supplies it will take to make this happen.

Whether you live in Hancock County's 1st District or are one of my friends five states away, this is your opportunity to help make a difference and bring common sense, conservative solutions to local government.

Thank you for your $5 donation!

Donate Today.

1 comment:

  1. Your $5 donation will pay for the signs, mailers and other neccesary supplies it will take to make this happen.
