Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I was informed that the Indianapolis TEA PARTY on April 15th at the Statehouse has been changed to 4:30-6:30. This will allow for better attendance by people who DO still have jobs in this economy. We need to let our lawmakers know that we are Taxed Enough Already!!! AND we are MAD!!!

Sure the local news is probably going to give us sour news coverage, just like they did at the Revolt at the Statehouse... Thats ok. Our legislators, state and national, need to know we are not sitting idly by anymore. It is time to WAKE UP and do something! Our government is not the saviour they seem to think they are... We need only remember that...

~~~A government big enough to GIVE you all you need, IS big enough to TAKE all you HAVE~~

And... They will; If we let them. So...Come downtown on April 15th at 4:30-- Let them know its time to reign in spending. Its time for them to tighten THEIR belts just like we all have to. Its time to quit spending like there is no end to the money supply, because there is...And its coming soon.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Thomas Paine...Impersonator

Cool video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFKGrmsBDk

Launch of new HuckPAC Website!!!

April 1st, 2009 at 3:00 p.m.!!! TEAM HUCK will be rolling out the new 50 state-based www.huckpac.com Go there and sign up for your TEAM HUCK account and get plugged in to this grassroots effort to take our country back with real Conservatism!

Decided its time...

Well, I have finally decided its time... I started this blog a few months ago to keep a little New Year's Resolution with myself. I've always enjoyed writing, especially about politics and history, so I told myself...START A BLOG. I did. I posted twice. I quit. Well, now I'm back! I will probably fail, but I intend to post everyday... You who know me, will be able to guess what my subject matter will probably focus on. I'm in the tank for Mike Huckabee, the FairTax movement, and if it involves the left wing devalueing our currency, rewarding what we want less of and penalizing what we want more of...I'M AGAINST IT!!